Donate to Tudalen Codi Arian - Gwen - Fundraising Page

40% of £7,000 target

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[Please see English below] Er mwyn helpu Canolfan Ganser Felindre, rwyf wedi ymuno ag un o'u Heriau Difrifol, sef cerdded trwy anialwch garw Patagonia ym mis Tachwedd 2025. Bydd y daith yn mynd â ni i Craig Goch i ddathlu 160 mlynedd ers y daith a wnaed gan ein cyndeidiau Cymreig. Rwyf wedi gosod yr her hon i mi fy hun i godi isafswm o £7,000, gan ein bod i gyd yn adnabod teulu, ffrindiau ac anwyliaid sydd wedi cael eu cyffwrdd gan ganser. Bydd yr arian a godir yn helpu i ariannu ymchwil arloesol a threialon clinigol, triniaethau blaengar, nyrsys arbenigol, gwasanaethau cymorth, therapïau, offer a chymaint mwy, sy'n uwchlaw na'r hyn a ddarperir gan y GIG. Byddaf yn talu'r costau teithio fy hun felly bydd yr holl roddion yn mynd yn uniongyrchol i Felindre. Os gwelwch yn dda, cefnogwch fi a rhoddwch gymaint neu gyn lleied ag y gallwch, bydd pob ceiniog yn mynd yn bell i gefnogi'r gwaith anhygoel y mae Canolfan Ganser Felindre yn ei ddarparu bob dydd i'w chleifion a'u teuluoedd. Diolch yn fawr am eich cefnogaeth – bydd yn cael ei werthfawrogi'n FAWR IAWN. **************To help Velindre Cancer Centre I have signed up to one of their Ultimate Challenges, which is trekking through the rugged wilderness of Patagonia in November 2025. The trek will take us to Craig Goch to celebrate the 160th anniversary of the journey made by our Welsh ancestors. I have set myself this challenge to raise a minimum of £7,000, as we all know family, friends and loved ones who have been touched by cancer. Money raised will help fund groundbreaking research and clinical trials, cutting edge treatments, specialist nurses, support services, therapies, equipment and so much more, which are above those provided by the NHS. I will be covering the travelling costs myself so all donations will go directly to Velindre. Please, please support me and donate as much or as little as you can, every penny will go a long way in supporting the incredible work that Velindre Cancer Centre provide every day to its patients and their families. Thank you so much for your support – it will be HUGELY appreciated.
